In 2014, TTCD developed and implemented initial water quality monitoring methods at each major road stream crossing within the Tyonek Area Watershed. Data collected included pH, temperature, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen, as well as aquatic macroinvertebrate samples. In 2015, TTCD deployed stream temperature loggers at five sites and continued to collect the previous data as well. TTCD continues to monitor stream temperature and collect basic water quality data on the Chuitna River, Robert’s Creek, Threemile Creek, Tyonek Creek, and Indian Creek. Sites are shown in the map below. For more information, see the Tyonek Area Watershed Action Plan.
In 2022 and 2023, TTCD expanded this program, bringing the total of stream temperature loggers within the District to 19 sites. Please see the Project Map for the logger locations. All temp logger data is available to view and download from AKTEMP at