Juvenile salmon monitoring

Since 2015, TTCD has monitored juvenile salmon on Robert’s (Old Tyonek) Creek, Chuitbuna Creek, Indian Creek, and Threemile Creek. Monitoring these streams helps us better understand juvenile salmon population dynamics and, for pike-infested systems, the impact of our long-term pike suppression efforts. TTCD plans to continue long-term monitoring of these sites.

Threemile, Chuitbuna, and Indian Creeks all have pike present in the system. Robert’s Creek is monitored at a 2015 culvert replacement site and gives us a better understanding of how juvenile fish populations respond to improved fish passage post-construction.

Coho Salmon Spawning Surveys

TTCD implemented coho salmon spawning ground surveys in 2016 on Indian Creek and 2018 on Threemile Creek. Both of these systems are pike-infested, and spawning surveys provides an annual count of returning coho. With ongoing pike suppression, we hope to see the spawning coho population increase over time. TTCD plans to continue this monitoring in future years.

Anadromous Fish Surveys

TTCD surveys streams throughout our 6.6 million-acre District for anadromous fish to add District streams and waterbodies to the State of Alaska Anadromous Waters Catalog (AWC). Annually, TTCD surveys for anadromous fishes to ensure that all anadromous streams within the District are offered habitat protections. In 2022, TTCD added 26.7 stream miles of the AWC, along the westside road system and in the remote western Matanuska Susitna Borough. 

Most of the juvenile salmon we find on District streams are coho salmon, but we also find juvenile Chinook (king) salmon, sockeye salmon, longnose suckers, Dolly Varden, rainbow trout, and plenty of stickleback. Less frequently we see different species of lamprey (river eels).

For more information, see the below maps or the Tyonek Area Watershed Action Plan
