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- Ivey, S., C. Brockman and D. Rutz. Overview of Northern Cook Inlet Area sport fisheries with proposals under consideration by the Alaska Board of Fisheries, February 2008. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Fishery Management Report No. 07-65, Anchorage.
- Jones, B. and J.A. Fall. 2020. Overview of subsistence salmon fisheries in the Tyonek Subdistrict and Yentna River, Cook Inlet, Alaska. Alaska Department of fish and Game Division of Subsistence Special Publication No. BOF 2020-05, Anchorage.
- Leppi, J.C., Rinella, D.J., Wilson, R.R., and W.M. Loya. 2014. Linking climate change projections for an Alaskan watershed to future coho salmon production. Global Change Biology (20): 1808-1820.
- Logelin, N., A. Antonovich, and S. Graziano. 2017. West Cook Inlet (Theodore and Lewis rivers) Chinook and coho salmon escapement studies, 2012–2014. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Fishery Data Series No. 17-05, Anchorage.
- Nemeth, M, J., A. M. Baker, B. C. Williams, S. W. Raborn, J. T. Priest, and S.T. Crawford. 2010. Movement and abundance of freshwater fish in the Chuit River, Alaska, May through July, 2009. Annual report prepared by LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc., Anchorage, Alaska for PacRim Coal, L.P. 86 p.
- Oslund, S., S. Ivey, and D. Lescanec. 2020. Area Management Report for the sport fisheries of northern Cook Inlet, 2017–2018. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Fishery Management Report No. 20-04, Anchorage.
- Reimer, A. M., and N. A. DeCovich. 2020. Susitna River Chinook salmon run reconstruction and escapement goal analysis. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Fishery Manuscript No. 20-01, Anchorage.
- St. Saviour, A., A. W. Barclay, and N. Logelin. 2020. Draft Report for the 2020 Upper Cook Inlet Board of Fish Meeting: Northern Cook Inlet Chinook salmon marine harvest stock composition, 2016–2017. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Regional Information Report 2A20-03, Anchorage.
- Yanusz, R. J., P. M. Cleary, J. Campbell, G. Horner-Neufeld, D. Reed, and N. A. DeCovich. 2018. Abundance, distribution, and surveys of spawning Chinook salmon 2012–2014 and spawning coho salmon 2013–2014 in the Susitna River. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Fishery Data Series No. 18-16, Anchorage.