Invasive Plant Control
After locating invasive plants within the District, TTCD took our first steps to control invasive plants in 2015 through mechanical removals of common tansy in the Tyonek cemetary and mechnical removals of narrowleaf hawksbeard along roadsides in Tyonek. TTCD has continued to implement mechnical removals at these sites annually.
In 2016, TTCD coordinated herbicide application on 10 acres of orange hawkweed, oxeye daisy, white sweetclover, and common toadflax in Beluga along the airstrip and nearby private properties. Herbicide application efforts have were also completed in 2017, 2018, and 2019.

TTCD Conservation Technician John Hagan and contractor Tim Stallard survey and spray for invasive plants in Beluga in 2017.
From 2015-2017, TTCD held 5 pike derbies in Tyonek and Beluga. These derbies have not only helped to provide data on pike locations, but have led to the removal of 357 pike from impacted systems. In 2017, TTCD partnered with Cook Inlet Aquaculture Association, University of Alaska Fairbanks, and Native Village of Tyonek Environmental Department on a week-long netting effort in June, which led to the removal of 141 pike from Tyonek and Beluga.
Since 2018, TTCD has partnered with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the Native Village of Tyonek to annually remove pike from Threemile and Chuitbuna lakes to reduce predation pressure on juvenile salmon and restore the salmon population in these systems. Additional pike suppression work occurs in Rollercoaster Lake and Tyonek’s Second Lake.